The Joy of Wanderlust!
I’ve enjoyed travelling around the world enjoying fantastic sights and great food. Many of my journeys have been work-related but not all. While it’s fed my wanderlust, it’s not cured my desire to see what’s just over the horizon.

When I’m not searching out new adventures, I’m a writer and a website designer. Until recently, I spent part of my time in Malaysia and the rest in the United Kingdom. That’s about to change because we’re on the move.
I travel because…
There is so much to see and do: different cultures, new foods, old ruins … an endless list. Over the years, I’ve been to 60 countries. One busy year, I completely filled my UK passport in less than twelve months with visas and border stamps.
My family has put up with relocating to four different continents. Have we finished yet? Who knows? We’ve just left Malaysia after six years (nine if you count the last visit). Other countries beckon… Wanderlust, again! By the end of the year, we should be on a different continent.

Is it all fun and margaritas on the beach? Sadly, no. I’ll give some insight into expat life in some later blogs. But after several years of commuting into London to work in banking, worrying about constant rail strikes, long winter evenings, and absurd prices, life here (wherever that is today) is pretty good.
A passion for the wildlife
Actually, my passion (after family) is wildlife, not a wild life. (Although some disagree). My travels have taken me to beaches, swamps, jungles, deserts, savannahs, and even cities in pursuit of animals and insects. They’ve enabled me to publish three books and numerous magazine articles on pets and wildlife. And there is still so much more to see!

A big boost to my wildlife interest was owning a game farm in South Africa. With blue wildebeest, kudu, impala, and other antelope wandering freely across the veldt, it was paradise. Almost. It lacked giraffe and had too many visitors interested in stealing our goods! We were able to buy some giraffe at an auction – look out for a blog on that! Sadly, the giraffe didn’t deter our visitors.
I hope you enjoy reading about some of my wanderlust exploits. Drop me a line to tell me about yours or to ask questions.
And if I can help you with your website – a new one or the refurbishing of an existing one, don’t hesitate to contact me.
This website and its blogs were written before my family and I moved to Mexico.
Since we’ve been in Mexico, we’ve started a new blog, just about Mexico, called Wonky Compass.
If you want to read about our recent travels in the gorgeous country of Mexico, read our blogs here: Blogs from Mexico