Thanks for taking the time to read a bit about me.
Starting with the most important point: I'm an experienced writer and a native English speaker, as well as a successful WordPress web designer and developer.
My non-fiction books are the result of many years of experience enjoying my fascination with the beauty of natural history in all its forms. From the large mammals of Africa to the complex but small bugs of the tropical rainforests, the variety has been amazing.
In South Africa, I owned a game farm with giraffe, kudu and many other animals. I had previously worked in sales for an FTSE 100 company. So the sudden, profound changes in lifestyle are the foundation of one of my upcoming novels.
I'm an experienced public speaker, giving talks and training in many countries around the world. I've been invited to give talks on insects and chameleons at all sorts of venue. These include pet shows, garden centres and herpetology clubs in South Africa and Malaysia. In Europe, Africa and Asia I have given talks to companies on technology, banking regulations and marketing.
Originally hailing from the UK, travel has played a large part of my life. I've visited over 60 countries for fun and work and lived on four continents as part of a roving expat life.
This wonderfully varied background provides the source for my novels. It has enabled me to develop them realistically based on real-world experience. But without losing the core element of any good read: drama!

Learn more about me by clicking this link to an interview with Airlink Marketing entitled:
Meet our Content King: David Haggett, Exotic Animal Whisperer